All members of the UCSC community benefit from an environment of trust, honesty, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Students are expected to present their own work and acknowledge, by citation, the work of others in order to preserve the integrity of scholarship.
Academic integrity includes:
Following exam rules
Using only permitted materials during an exam
Viewing exam materials only when permitted by your instructor
Keeping what you know about an exam to yourself
Incorporating proper citation of all sources of information
Submitting your own original work
Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Disclosing exam content during or after you have taken an exam
Accessing exam materials without permission
Copying/purchasing any material from another student, or from another source, that is submitted for grading as your own
Plagiarism, including use of Internet material without proper citation
Using cell phones or other electronics to obtain outside information during an exam without explicit permission from the instructor
Submitting your own work in one class that was completed for another class (self-plagiarism) without prior permission from the instructor.
Violations of the Academic Integrity policy can result in dismissal from the university and a permanent notation on a student’s transcript. For the full policy and disciplinary procedures on academic dishonesty, students and instructors should refer to the Academic Misconduct page at the Division of Undergraduate Education.